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Untitled-2 copy.jpg
"Floating in Air"
"Picture Perfect"

1. In as much detail as possible record the steps it took to complete this project. Start with photographing and end with the editing process in photoshop. Use complete sentences.


The first steps we took in creating these composite photos were photographing a landscape and the model with the props I photoshop into it.  I then opened the two photos and added them into photoshop as layers. After I created the two layers, I made the image of my props and model into the primary layer, the photo of the landscape the back layer, and attached a layer mask onto the primary. Next, I clicked on the layer mask and then the brush option on the left side of the screen. Doing this created a brushstroke that painted the background photo onto the primary layer. I then used this layer mask brush to erase parts of the primary photo to create a bizarre illusion. 


2. What are layer masks? How do they differ from just using the eraser tool in photoshop? How might you use them in the future to create more projects in photoshop?


Layer masks are used to hide specific parts of the layer it's attached to. I created the layer mask instead of using the eraser tool because the eraser tool permanently erases the layer but the layer mask brush is reversible. It allows you to erase precisely without the worry of messing up the primary image because you can always reverse your mistakes and fix them. We might use the layer mask tool in the future to create more crazy photos that look realistic, 


3.  Do you believe your project was (successful/ unsuccessful). Why? 

I do believe that this project was a success because I learned how to create composite photos and learned the basics of using the layer mask tool in photoshop. I also brought out some of my creativity in the attempt to make the photos look realistic. 


4.  Based on the learning target, " Practice and demonstrate skills in the manipulation of digital imagery by using photoshop to create a composite image" what level of mastery does your project demonstrate (Exceeds, Meets, Needs Work, minimal understanding). Why do you think? Make sure to provide specific evidence. 

         I think the level of mastery my project demonstrates exceeds the expectations because, in the image "Floating in air", I had to create her foot by using the layer mask and a low opacity brush. The shadow of the stool completely covered her food so I used her other foot as a reference and tried create a realistic shadow. In the image "Picture perfect", I had to use the cloning tool to get rid of the fingers holding the frame. The person behind the model was also wearing black so I had to somewhat form her body as realistic as possible. 

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