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Conclusion Questions: 
1. In as much detail as possible record the steps it took to create your PSA in Adobe Premiere Rush. Use complete sentences.​ Try to recall as many of the different tools and processes as possible. 

1 - Import the photos you want to use in your PSA into the order that you would like them to be in

2 - Record a voiceover for each image you imported and if necessary, edit the volume and or pitch of the voiceover. 

3 - Trim or extend the length of time the photo appears on the PSA to best fit the voice-over. 

4 - Add transitions between each image to give a smooth look. 

5 - Import audio and select the music that best fits the mood of your PSA (make sure the volume of the music is lower than the volume of the voiceovers) 


2. How does a PSA differ from a traditional advertisement? 

A traditional advertisement is a paid promotion that tries to convince you to buy the product which is being introduced. While a PSA is an unpaid promotion that spreads an informational message. 


3. What topic did you create your PSA about? Why is this topic important to you? 

The topic I created my PSA about is drug abuse. This topic is important to me because I have a loved one who has a substance abuse disorder and is currently struggling to stay sober. He has been to rehabilitation centers many times and has developed mental issues due to these hardcore drugs. He single handly deteriorated his relationship with many of his family members because of the harm he has caused to my family. While I care for him, I do not want to associate myself with him. I find myself happier when he isn't around. I feel unsafe when he is around which is very painful to me emotionally and mentally because he is someone who is supposed to make sure that I am safe and not be a threat to my safety. 


4. Based on the learning target, "Understand the component steps and skills required to design, edit, and produce a Public Service Announcements by producing a storyboard, script, audio clips, video clips and other supporting media then combining them in Adobe Premiere Rush" what level of mastery does your project demonstrate (Exceeds, Meets, Needs Work, minimal understanding) Why do you think so? Make sure to provide specific evidence. 

I think that I meet the project standards because I do think that I could do better on my work. I believe that I can have a more balanced sound for my voiceovers and I also believe that I could use more information. However, I did accomplish all of the project requirements by providing images, voiceovers, having music put over it, transitions, a storyboard, and a script. 

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